Migrate WS Document from v5 to v7
Differences between etinglysing api WS5 and WS7
Main documentation source is https://beta-api.ambita.com/docs/etinglysing_guide.html and https://beta-api.ambita.com/docs/etinglysing_api.html
There are several changes in the xml structure to make the api more consistent. This is described here: https://beta-api.ambita.com/docs/etinglysing_guide.html#how-to-migrating-to-version-7
Some elements are renamed due to inconsistencies and spelling errors.
Please, study the xsd’s for accurate information about the differences. Don't hesitate to ask specific questions about changes.
Operations in etinglysing WS5 vs WS7
Please note, the return object from the generate*
operations is renamed from DokumentResponse
to DocumentResponse
Broker in this context is a real estate agent or a realtor.
Operation | WS7 | WS5 | Differences |
Operation | WS7 | WS5 | Differences |
generatePantedokument() | Changes in the parameters. PantedokumentData is changed to Pantedokument. | ||
generateUraadighet() | New in WS6. Used primarily by | ||
generateSkjoete() | Create deed, used by Real Estate Agents and laywers to transfer of ownership of a property. | ||
generateFoelgebrev() | Create foelgebrev, required by Statens Kartverk. Not required if the customer is set up with “autosign cover- letter” | ||
generateSletting() | Sletting - deleting documents from the registry | ||
generateTransport() | New operation to generate transport. (changing the mortgagee(panthaver) of a pantedokument) | ||
generateRetinglysing() | Some documents loses legal protection when certain deadlines expire. This renews the legal protection. | ||
generatePrerequisite() |
| NEW FEATURE Generates a prerequisite document(forutsetningbrev) for a pantedokument according to the DSVE standard |
getArtifacts() | Returns artifacts, DOKUMENT, GRUNNBOKSUTSKRIFT, OMSLAG. PANTEATTEST is no longer in use | ||
getStatus() | Status of a document. Contains small changes. | ||
getStatusOppdrag() | New operation used by broker or status of an oppdrag(a collection of documents) | ||
setSDO() | Stores the signed document, and the document state is changed to | ||
setSDOlist() | Same as above, but for a list of documents | ||
tinglysSdo() | One operation for | ||
tinglys() | Sends the document for tinglysing. | ||
tinglysUsignert() | Not available in production, only in test environments. Makes it easier to test tinglysing without signing. | ||
remove() | removes a document if it is not tinglyst. | ||
sendToBroker() | New in ws6, as a bank one can send a signed dokument to a broker for later tinglysing together with a deed. Today, if a priority prerequisite document is to be sent, it must be sent with this operations | ||
sendPriorityPrerequisiteDocumentToBroker() | Sends the prerequisite document as a separate document. NOT RECOMMENDED until the DSVE standard supports standalone prerequisite documents |
Model changes
Compared to V5/V6 there has been some small changes to tidy the model and remove a known bug. In previous, when a organization was the owner, the signaturberettigede had to be populated to make it work. This was unintentional and is fixed in V7.
How to set the property
Previously each property was modelled as either borett or matrikkel:
<matrikkel kommunenr="1234"
From V7 the property contains a matrikkel or borett
<matrikkel kommunenummer="1234"
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<pantedokument referanse="Example">
<organisasjon id="123456789">
<navn>Organization name</navn>
<!--Optional, not needed for production-->
<!--Will be validated towards Enhetsregisteret if present-->
<signaturberettigede id="12345678901">
<fornavn>First Name</fornavn>
<broek teller="1" nevner="1"/>
<pantebeloep valuta="NOK" verdi="100000"/>
How to set total fraction
Previously total fraction was modelled as attributes on the matrikkel element (totalnevner and totalteller):
<matrikkel totalnevner="1" totalteller="1" ...>
From V7 the attributes have been replaced by an element on the panteobjekt
If totalBroek
is specified for a pantedokument with dokumentflyt = DOKUMENT_TIL_TINGLYSING
the hjemmmelshaver broek will be validated and superseded according to grunnboken. totalBroek
must be equal to sum broek for hjemmelshavere.
If totalBroek
is specified for a pantedokument with dokumentflyt = DOKUMENT_TIL_OPPGJOER
, the hjemmelshaver broek will NOT be validated. Hjemmelshavere are the new owners and at the time of writing, it is not possible to validate.
If totalBroek
is 1/1, the fractions for hjemmelshavere will be disregarded. Because there is no requirement for fraction in a pantedokument includes the entire property.
If totalBroek
is less than 1/1, sum broek
for hjemmelshavere must be equal to totalBroek
, and hjemmelshaver broek
must be correct according to the buyer contract.
Validation changes
Object | Field | Requirement v5 | Requirement v7 |
Beloep |
| None | Required |
| None | Positive number | |
Borett |
| Required | 9 digits |
| Required | At least 1 digit | |
Matrikkel |
| None | 4 digits |
| None | At least 1 digit | |
| None | At least 1 digit | |
| None | Optional, but digits only | |
| None | Optional, but digits only |