Generate document
Generate document
The API provides document creation of the above mentioned types, on the format generate<TYPE>
. Calling any generate operation will return this structure:
Status | id, status code and when it was created |
status | the unique id of the document, created date and state |
document | base64 encoded BIDXML, type corresponds with the created document, format and type |
warnings | warnings (if any) from validation received from Kartverket |
version | KARTVERKET (historically it could have been EDOK) |
dokumentMessages | A list of documentMessage that contain all error or information messages for the tinglysing operation on a specific document. It might be returned from the tinglys or the getStatus operation. |
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<ns2:generatePantedokumentResponse xmlns:ns2="http://dokument.ws7.etinglysing.no/">
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