Etinglysing integration guide

Etinglysing integration guide

etinglysing.no enables electronic registration of documents to the Land Registry. The service provides both a web user interface and a web service interface for integration. This document will help you in the integration process.

The following document types are currently supported:

  • Registration

    • Mortgages - to establish collateral (pantedokument or sikringspant/urådighet)

    • Deeds - to change ownership (skjøte)

  • Change

    • Transport of rights, including mass transportation (transport or massetransport)

    • Re-registration (retinglysing/tinglysing på ny)

    • Deletion (sletting)

Overall process

The integration basically consists of three steps:

Figure 1: Basic flow

Generate, sign and tinglys (register). Additional there are services for administrative tasks and fetching the receipt (Grunnboksutskrift).

Figure 2: Document flow

Step 3 in Figure 2 shows that signing is performed outside www.etinglysing.no.

The endpoints

Etinglysing consist of several endpoints to fully support the registration process to Statens Kartverk. API-specifications are available here.


Current version: v7 The document endpoint supports the whole process of creating, signing and registering documents. Currently there are three active versions of this endpoint, but we recommend all clients to move to the latest version as it contains the newest features.

Event (Hendelse)

Current version: v6 The hendelse endpoint supports tracking of events in the system. As a document flows through the process of registration, its different states can be observed/pulled to trigger actions automatically. Note: To get all statuses for documents sent to broker, you must upgrade to version 6 of Hendelse API.

Single Sign On

The single sign on endpoint serves the purpose of generating a token to be used when the user is “jumped” into www.etinglysing.no without having to identify him/her self.

Assignment (Oppdrag)

The assignment (oppdrag) endpoint enables brokers to send relevant information to www.etinglysing.no to enable easy creation of documents, without having to punch information twice. The brokers work task-/assignment based, so the oppdrag (task/assignment) is central. All documents are related to and created based on a oppdrag. The endpoint enables to create/update an assignment with relevant data. From there the users can jump onto www.etinglysing.no to perform document creation, signing and registration.


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