Concept/Term | Description |
Artefact/artifact | Documents returned from Statens Kartverk as a result of successful land registration. The type of artefact depends on the document registered. |
BankID | Online service for secure identification and electronic signing of documents. |
Elektronisk tinglysing | |
Ambita´s system for electronic registration (land registration, mortgages and corresponding cancellation). | |
Integrator | Bank og broker system |
Panteattest | A signed document returned by Statens Kartverk after a successful ‘tinglysing’ of a ‘pantedokument’ |
Pantedokument | A type of document typically used by banks to get security in a property for loans. |
SDO | Signed Data Object |
SSO | Single Sign On. A technical solution that enables users to log on to eTinglysing without entering username and password. |
Statens Kartverk | Owner of the land register |
Solution for signing documents electronically using BankID | |
SK-API | The Mapping authorities are creating a new system for tinglysing/registering which will deployed to production in September 2016 |
Følgebrev | Slip to be part of the shipment when registering document to Statens Kartverk |
Tinglys / Tinglysing | Norwegian term for land registration |
LR | Land Registry |
EPS | Electronic Settlement Process (Elektronisk Eiendomsoppgjør) |
Skjøte | A type of document used for changing owners of property |
Oppdrag | Placeholder for a group of related documents, often used by brokers |
Retinglysing | An addon (påtegning) prolonging the validity of a document |