
To get products, you need to use the access_token that you previously obtained.

Take a look at our Swagger documentation for the API here.

Send a GET request to{municipalityNumber}

Example request

curl -s \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer ej577asf-a5k6-42yq-a3a2-fh03hb8cb58c" \

Example response

[ { "code": "WI99990033", "name": "Meglerpakke", "description": "Pakken inneholder:", "status": "ACTIVE", "type": "PACKAGE", "delivery": "DIGITAL", "inputType": "CADASTRE", "price": 1650, "deadline": 5, "children": [ { "code": "WI99990900", "name": "Godkjente bygningstegninger" }, { "code": "WI99991001", "name": "Tilknytning til offentlig vann og kloakk - skjemaløsning" }, { "code": "WI99990400", "name": "Grunnkart" }, { "code": "WI99992350", "name": "Planutsnitt med bestemmelser" }, { "code": "WI99991600", "name": "Kommunale avgifter og eiendomsskatt" }, { "code": "WI99990901", "name": "Midlertidig brukstillatelse og ferdigattest" } ], "activeProduct": true } ]

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