
Before you start you need to obtain the following information

CLIENT_ID="my client id" CLIENT_SECRET="my client secret" API_USERNAME="my KODE API username" API_PASSWORD="my KODE API password"

To get this information, please contact

In order to obtain a token, run the following

curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d " { \"grant_type\": \"password\", \"client_id\": \"CLIENT_ID\", \"client_secret\": \"CLIENT_SECRET\", \"username\": \"API_USERNAME\", \"password\": \"API_PASSWORD\" }"

Example response

{ "access_token": "ej577asf-a5k6-42yq-a3a2-fh03hb8cb58c", "token_type": "Bearer", "expires_in": 3600, "refresh_token": "aj274ajd-t1s8-48sk-v5m1-shf64j9bq25a", "scope": [ "kode.order.write", "", "", "", ... ] }

The access_token is valid for 1 hour and should be reused until it expires. When the token expires, the API will return 401 UNAUTHORIZED.

To get a new access_token you can use the refresh token grant_type

The refresh_token is valid for 30 days and should be stored securely and only be used to get new access_token. The refresh token grant_type will also return a new refresh_token, you should replace your existing refresh_token with the new one, the new refresh_token is valid for another 30 days. If the refresh_token expires, you need to authenticate with client, credentials and grant_type password again.

More information about OAuth can be found here:

The token should be a request header and should be added in the Authorization header as shown below


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