The integrator initiates the process by sending a data structure (as described in the WSDL) to the web service. Etinglysing will return an object containing the document itself, a reference to the document in etinglysing and some key information about it.
Normal flow
Example request:
Code Block |
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:dok=""> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <dok:generatePantedokument> <pantedokument referanse="Example"> <panteobjekter> <panteobjekt> <matrikkel kommunenummer="1234" gaardsnummer="1" bruksnummer="1" festenummer="0" seksjonsnummer="0" eiendomsnivaa="G"/> <hjemmelshavere> <hjemmelshaver> <organisasjon id="123456789"> <navn>Organization name</navn> <!--Optional, not needed for production--> <!--Will be validated towards Enhetsregisteret if present--> <signaturberettigede> <signaturberettigede id="12345678901"> <fornavn>First Name</fornavn> <etternavn>Surname</etternavn> <epost></epost> </signaturberettigede> </signaturberettigede> </organisasjon> <broek teller="1" nevner="1"/> </hjemmelshaver> </hjemmelshavere> </panteobjekt> </panteobjekter> <pantebeloeper> <pantebeloep valuta="NOK" verdi="100000"/> </pantebeloeper> <panthavere> <panthaverId>123456789</panthaverId> </panthavere> <dokumentflyt>DOKUMENT_TIL_TINGLYSING</dokumentflyt> <refinansiering>false</refinansiering> </pantedokument> <options> <returnPdf>false</returnPdf> </options> </dok:generatePantedokument> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> |
Drawio | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Validation and error handling
Example response:
Code Block |
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Body> <soap:Fault> <faultcode>soap:Server</faultcode> <faultstring>Ugyldig personnr eller organisasjonsnr: 123456789</faultstring> <detail> <ns2:FellesDokumentException xmlns:ns2=""> <exceptionId>1536235901863</exceptionId> <documentMessages> <documentMessage> <errorGroup>VALIDERINGSFEIL</errorGroup> <message>Ugyldig personnr eller organisasjonsnr: 123456789</message> <errorCode>9014</errorCode> </documentMessage> </documentMessages> </ns2:FellesDokumentException> </detail> </soap:Fault> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope> |
When generating a mortgage you may have two scenarios:
Send the document to the Land Registry
Send the document to a broker
This you can control by setting the flow. The possible flows are:
There are four types of roles:
Role | Description |
BORTFESTER | The land owner that lease out land |
RETTIGHETSHAVER_I_URAADIGHET | A legal person is blocking registration |
UTSTEDER | The seller is not the land owner |
PANTSETTER | The legal person if not equal to the land owner |
In V7 this is put outside the property, hence yields the whole document (across all properties)
Figure 5 Example rekvirent & panthaver
Using Ambita’s signing service
Ambita has a signing service named Esignering. Almost all bank customers have their own signing service they use for signing documents. However, a new feature in Etinglysing allows bank customers to use Ambita’s signing service for signing Pantedokument.
Using the options element sendToCustomerSigning
will send the generated document to the specified parties for signing with their BankID (they will receive an email with link to for signing the document).
Code Block |
</options> |
Handle signer’s notification in your own system
From version 51.67 (February 2024) it is possible for integrated clients to handle all signing notification and dialogue in their own system. This may require additional configuration of your account in Etinglysing. Contact customer support if you are interested in using this feature
It is now possible to suppress the email notification that is sent from Esignering to all parties that is expected to sign the document. By also setting the option returnCustomerSigningLinks
to true
the response from generatePantedokument
will include an additional signing information object.
Code Block |
</options> |
Code Block |
<signingLink id="01010122222" signed="false"></signingLink>
<signingLink id="02020233333" signed="false"></signingLink>
The id
attribute is the social security number (fødselsnummer), signed
is the current signing status for that person and the element text is the link for that person to use for signing the document. Integrated clients can now present the link in their own system or be responsible for sharing the links to the parties in their preferred way.
Check signing status
For documentation about how to check the signing status, see Get status signing