The integrator initiates the process by sending a data structure (as described in the WSDL) to the web service. Etinglysing will return an object containing the document itself, a reference to the document in etinglysing and some key information about it.
Normal flow
Example request:
Code Block |
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:dok=""> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <dok:generatePantedokument> <pantedokument referanse="Example"> <panteobjekter> <panteobjekt> <matrikkel kommunenummer="1234" gaardsnummer="1" bruksnummer="1" festenummer="0" seksjonsnummer="0" eiendomsnivaa="G"/> <hjemmelshavere> <hjemmelshaver> <organisasjon id="123456789"> <navn>Organization name</navn> <!--Optional, not needed for production--> <!--Will be validated towards Enhetsregisteret if present--> <signaturberettigede> <signaturberettigede id="12345678901"> <fornavn>First Name</fornavn> <etternavn>Surname</etternavn> <epost></epost> </signaturberettigede> </signaturberettigede> </organisasjon> <broek teller="1" nevner="1"/> </hjemmelshaver> </hjemmelshavere> </panteobjekt> </panteobjekter> <pantebeloeper> <pantebeloep valuta="NOK" verdi="100000"/> </pantebeloeper> <panthavere> <panthaverId>123456789</panthaverId> </panthavere> <dokumentflyt>DOKUMENT_TIL_TINGLYSING</dokumentflyt> <refinansiering>false</refinansiering> </pantedokument> <options> <returnPdf>false</returnPdf> </options> </dok:generatePantedokument> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> |
Figure 5 Example rekvirent & panthaver
Using Ambita’s signing service
Ambita has a signing service named Esignering. Almost all bank customers have their own signing service they use for signing documents. However, a new feature in Etinglysing allows bank customers to use Ambita’s signing service for signing Pantedokument.
Using the options element sendToCustomerSigning
will send the generated document to the specified parties for signing with their BankID (they will receive an email with link to for signing the document).
Code Block |
</options> |