This page describes status codes, information and error messages for all etinglysing SOAP services.
For the generate<TYPE>
(Generate document) operations, note that even if the response is a successful one, it might contain information messages(INFOMELDING) that may be important later in the process.
If the information messages are not taken into account, it may affect the tinglysing operation.
See the errorGroup explanation for information about INFOMELDING.
<<Vi trenger kanskje et eksempel med infomelding her>>
Soap fault response(500)
Anchor |
| a_soapfaultresponse |
| a_soapfaultresponse |
ErrorGroup | Explanation | Action |
INTERNFEIL | Internal error - There is a state in data, environment or configuration that we couldn't recover from. | Try again. Another server might handle this request |
VALIDERINGSFEIL | Validation error - the request does not validate. These are business / professional / legal reasons why the request did not validate. Validation rules for this error involves verifying request data with grunnboken. In the last validation rule, we actually validates the complete document using Statens Kartverk validation service. | Verify and correct the data in the request. |
EKSTERNFEIL | External error - This means that one of the external services we depend on to complete the request does not respond or is faulty. | Try again later. The external services we use are seldom faulty for a longer period. |
UKJENT_FEIL | Unknown error - A flaw in the code or it may also be that the server which processed the request had a problem | Please try again, if the problem persists contact support |
INPUTFEIL | Bad request - The xml message validates, but data in the message does not meet requirements. Examples Not authorized, accessing data owned by others Property/cooperative share/document referred in the request does not exist in grunnboken.
| Verify and correct the data in the request. |
Anchor |
| a_infomelding |
| a_infomelding |
| INFOMELDING | Information message - No error, just information. Both fault response and successful responses might have INFOMELDING. Example: | |
Example soap fault messages
Expand |
title | Input error - document not found for given id |
Code Block |
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
<faultstring>Fant ikke dokument med id=123: null</faultstring>
<ns2:FellesDokumentException xmlns:ns2="">
<message>Fant ikke dokument med id=123</message>
</soap:Envelope> |
Anchor |
| Infomeldingeks |
| Infomeldingeks |
Expand |
title | Generate pantedocument infomelding example |
Code Block |
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
<ns2:generatePantedokumentResponse xmlns:ns2="">
<detail>Registerenhetsrett har tinglyst råderettsbegrensende heftelse som mangler rettighetshaver: 1961/505936-2/106</detail>
<message>Kartverket informerer</message>
<detail>Registerenhetsrett har tinglyst råderettsbegrensende heftelse med fritekst: 1961/505936-2/106</detail>
<message>Kartverket informerer</message>
<detail>505936 1961: BEGRENSING I RÅDERETT BNR. 582, 637 OG 656 KAN BARE OVERDRAS/PANTSETTES SAMLET GJELDER DENNE REGISTERENHETEN MED FLERE Gjelder kommune 4601, gnr 216, bnr 637</detail>
<message>Eiendom / andel har påført urådighet</message>
</soap:Envelope> |