Concept/Term | Description |
Artefact/artifact | Documents returned from Statens Kartverk as a result of successful land registration. The type of artefact depends on the document registered. |
BankID | Online service for secure identification and electronic signing of documents. |
Forutsetningsbrev | Prerequisite letter. The bank’s terms for agreing agreeing to give a loan. |
Følgebrev | Slip to be part of the shipment when registering document to Statens Kartverk |
Elektronisk tinglysing | See |
EPS | Electronic Settlement Process (Elektronisk Eiendomsoppgjør) |
Solution for signing documents electronically using BankID | |
Ambita´s system for electronic registration (land registration, mortgages and corresponding cancellation). | |
Innsender | The organization that signs the slip with their certificate and sends the document to Statens Kartverk for registration. Ambita only facilitates the signing and sending but it’s the bank or broker that is Innsender. |
Integrator | Bank og or broker system |
LR | Land Registry |
Oppdrag | Placeholder for a group of related documents, often used by brokers |
Panteattest | A signed document returned by Statens Kartverk after a successful ‘tinglysing’ of a ‘pantedokument’ |
Pantedokument | A type of document typically used by banks to get security in a property for loans. |
Rekvirent | Used by Statens Kartverk when documents are registered. Must be the same as the organization that signs and sends the document to registration or a branch with its own organization number. The rekvirent will receive the invoice for the registration. See also innsender. |
Retinglysing | An addon (påtegning) prolonging the validity of a document |
SK-API | The Mapping authorities are creating a new system for tinglysing/registering which will deployed to production in September 2016 |
Skjøte | A type of document used for changing owners of property |
SDO | Signed Data Object |
SSO | Single Sign On. A technical solution that enables users to log on to eTinglysing without entering username and password. |
Statens Kartverk | Owner of the land registerregistry |
Tinglys / Tinglysing | Norwegian term for land registration |