Code Block |
<panteobjekter> <panteobjekt> <matrikkel kommunenummer="1234" gaardsnummer="1" bruksnummer="1" festenummer="0" seksjonsnummer="0" eiendomsnivaa="G"/> </panteobjekt> </panteobjekter> <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:dok="http://dokument.ws7.etinglysing.no/"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <dok:generatePantedokument> <pantedokument referanse="Example"> <panteobjekter> <panteobjekt> <matrikkel kommunenummer="1234" gaardsnummer="1" bruksnummer="1" festenummer="0" seksjonsnummer="0" eiendomsnivaa="G"/> <hjemmelshavere> <hjemmelshaver> <organisasjon id="123456789"> <navn>Organization name</navn> <!--Optional, not needed for production--> <!--Will be validated towards Enhetsregisteret if present--> <signaturberettigede> <signaturberettigede id="12345678901"> <fornavn>First Name</fornavn> <etternavn>Surname</etternavn> <epost>person@example.com</epost> </signaturberettigede> </signaturberettigede> </organisasjon> <broek teller="1" nevner="1"/> </hjemmelshaver> </hjemmelshavere> </panteobjekt> </panteobjekter> <pantebeloeper> <pantebeloep valuta="NOK" verdi="100000"/> </pantebeloeper> <panthavere> <panthaverId>123456789</panthaverId> </panthavere> <dokumentflyt>DOKUMENT_TIL_TINGLYSING</dokumentflyt> <refinansiering>false</refinansiering> </pantedokument> <options> <returnPdf>false</returnPdf> </options> </dok:generatePantedokument> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> |
How to
For some cases it is not enough that the owners sign the document. This typically means that there are “rettighetshavere” that needs to be taken into account. If not taken into account the service will respond with validation errors on generate (and that could be valuable and correct). If the case is, however, that you intend to get these signatures, the signature role must be applied. This tells the service that “I’ve got it!”.
There are four types of roles:
Role | Description |
BORTFESTER | The land owner that lease out land |
RETTIGHETSHAVER_I_URAADIGHET | A legal person is blocking registration |
UTSTEDER | The seller is not the land owner |
PANTSETTER | The legal person if not equal to the land owner |
set total fraction
Previously total fraction was modelled as attributes on the matrikkel element (totalnevner and totalteller):
Code Block |
<matrikkel totalnevner="1" totalteller="1" ...> |
From V7 the attributes have been replaced by an element on the panteobjekt
Code Block |
<borettsandel .../>
<totalBroek teller="1" nevner="1"/>
How to handle additional signatures
For some cases it is not enough that the owners sign the document. This typically means that there are “rettighetshavere” that needs to be taken into account. If not taken into account the service will respond with validation errors on generate (and that could be valuable and correct). If the case is, however, that you intend to get these signatures, the signature role must be applied. This tells the service that “I’ve got it!”.
There are four types of roles:
Role | Description |
BORTFESTER | The land owner that lease out land |
RETTIGHETSHAVER_I_URAADIGHET | A legal person is blocking registration |
UTSTEDER | The seller is not the land owner |
PANTSETTER | The legal person if not equal to the land owner |
In V7 this is put outside the property, hence yields the whole document (across all properties)
Once these are given, the teller and nevner applied to the individual hjemmelshaver are ignored and correct values are loaded from Grunnboken. This will not work for documents used in transfer of ownership (skjøte), as the future fractions are not known.
But there is an important thing to mention regarding this. The system can only help to calculate this fraction if the ‘dokumentflyt’ element is ‘DOKUMENT_TIL_TINGLYSING’. This will be cases where the customer want to refinance their existing loans. For transfer of ownership where the pantedocuments are going to be sent to broker we have no way of knowing the fraction. (‘dokumentflyt’ equal to DOKUMENT_TIL_OPPGJOER or DOKUMENT_TIL_EKSISTERENDE_OPPGJOER). In these cases the fraction element in each ‘hjemmelshaver’ element needs to be correct.
Code Block | ||
| ||
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<s:Body xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<generatePantedokument xmlns="http://dokument.ws7.etinglysing.no/">
<pantedokument referanse="N/A" xmlns="">
<borettsandel organisasjonsnummer="948145596" andelsnummer="33" borettslagnavn="MIKVOLD VESTRE BORETTSLAG"/>
<personMedSivilstand id="01105******">
<sivilstand fellesBolig="false" beggeHjemmelshavere="true" gift="true"/>
<broek teller="1" nevner="1"/>
<personMedSivilstand id="10016******">
<sivilstand fellesBolig="false" beggeHjemmelshavere="true" gift="true"/>
<broek teller="1" nevner="1"/>
<totalBroek teller="1" nevner="1"/>
<pantebeloep valuta="NOK" verdi="2400000"/>
<options xmlns=""/>
Figure 4: Example total fractions