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This page is for banks that will start the collaboration with the broker by requesting the purchase contract data.

Before you can start

EPS uses Oauth2 Bearer token for authentication.. If you do not have been issued a client_id, contact Ambita to get one. If you already have a client, the client must be granted access to EPS by Ambita.

Se Token-based authentication - quick start for more information about how to create an access token and use it in requests to EPS.

Terms used in this page








These two are both used to declare how each party (broker and bank) wants to/is able to do the registration (Paper or Digital)



Having the documents accepted into the official Land Registry

Mortgage document




Document for transfer of ownership



A representation of the broker’s data in EPS.

Prerequisite letter


An attachment to the pantedokument that is sent to the broker stating the bank’s requirement (having first priority, and so on).

Why request purchase contract data

The bank and broker have to agree on the registration process, whether it is on paper or digital since the deed and mortgage document must be sent together to the registration authority (Statens Kartverk). Both parties must agree on the format. It’s also critical that both parties communicate any changes to each other and all parties must be able to receive such change notifications.

Intentions are the way bank and broker communicates their preferred registration method to each other. Note that both parties must be capable of doing this digitally in order to be a digital registration. If one or both parties reports paper, both parties must proceed in the “old fashion way”.

Why should the bank request the purchase contract data? When an intention is successfully accepted by the broker, the bank will be notified (only) if the registration method changes and the data that is accessible is limited to registration method, buyers and properties. When a request for purchase contract data is successfully accepted by the broker, the bank has access to almost all the data in the purchase contract as structural data (JSon), a pdf rendering of the data and the signed purchase contract (scanned as PDF where available). In addition the bank will be notified if any of the significant data changes or a new version of the signed purchase contract is made available by the broker.

Notification of changes

DSVE has defined which data elements in the purchase contract that are so significant that the bank should be notified of changes. An updated list of these elements can be found at github. When a change occur the bank will receive the event PURCHASE_CONTRACT_CHANGED. The event will reference the purchase contract request and the changed settlement. In addition the event will have a list of categories describing what the changes are. The categories are:







About references

As more messages are exchanged between the bank and the broker, it’s getting more important that the bank’s reference should be a persistent value identify a case number or any other text that can identify loan application case in the bank system. It should not be a traceId, correlationId, messageId or similar IDs that just identifies the single request/transaction. This reference should also be given to Ambita in support cases.

Requesting purchase contract data from the broker

Requests are sent to the broker using EPS' purchasecontractrequests endpoint.

POST /eps/v1/purchasecontractrequests

The basic information you need is:

  • One or more buyers

  • The broker’s organization number

  • A reference that uniquely identifies the loan case in the bank

For a detailed description of required and optional fields in the input and response bodies, see the technical information at


The http status code of the response will determine the flow:

  • 201 : The intention data matches a settlement in Ambita and the response is ready

  • 202 : The intention is sent to the (non-Ambita) broker and an event (INTENTION_RESPONSE_RECEIVED) will be generated when the response is ready.

  • 400 : Bad request. Either the data in the request is invalid or the intention data didn’t match any settlements. Se below for error description.

Both 201 and 202 status codes will have a payload containing a field named uniqueIdentifier identifying your intention. The intention can be retrieved later by performing a GET /eps/v1/bankintentions/<uniqueIdentifier>. The response will also have a field named settlementUniqueIdentifier. This is the unique identifier of a settlement that you must keep for later retrieval of data. Also all events will reference a settlement (NOTE: if requesting a purchase contract, some new events will not have this settlement identifier).

Handling 201 status code

A status code of 201 is return when the intention data matches a settlement for an Ambita broker. Since we already have the settlement data, a synchronous response is given. The broker’s intended registration method can be found in the response body in the field flowCapability and the possible values are "PAPER" or "DIGITAL". In the future a third value for Not determined yet can be added.

Now the broker knows the bank’s intention and the bank knows the broker’s intention. Again. both parties must agree on DIGITAL for it to be a digital process.

Also keep in mind that the intention can be changed later on in the process. The bank does this by again sending a bankintention but with the new flowCapability. The bank is notified by reading events and receiving an INTENTION_CHANGED event referencing the settlement unique identifier.

Handling 202 status code

Receiving a 202 means that EPS has sent the intention asynchronously to the broker. The bank receives an immediately response containing the settlement unique identifier for later reference and data retrieval. Nothing is known about the broker’s intention before a response is received later on and an event (INTENTION_RESPONSE_RECEIVED) is generated referencing this settlement. The data returned in the immediate response is the bank’s data from the intention until a successful match is done and the settlement is updated with some more data from the broker.

Handling 400 status code (bad request)

A bad request signals a failed validation of the input data or, in case of an Ambita broker, the intention didn’t match any settlements. The error object returned in EPS all contains a field message that we work hard on being human understandable. In case of a bad request, this message should be presented to the person in the bank handling the case as either the input must be changed or the broker must be contacted to find out what went wrong.

States and codes

A bank intention can have the following states




Awaiting response from external broker. Result is available when event INTENTION_RESPONSE_RECEIVED is received.


Intention was successfully matched with a broker settlement.


Intention was received by the broker, but didn’t match a unique settlement.


Used when intention change is sent to external broker.

Note that for external brokers, the event INTENTION_RESPONSE_RECEIVED has a human understandable explanation in the event.description field that should be presented to the person in the bank handling the case. Only intentions that are accepted by a broker will receive updates if the flow changed. If an intention is rejected, the bank must send a new intention to the broker after agreeing with the broker what the correct data is.

Listening for events

It is essential that the bank has a kind of scheduled batch job that fetches the latest list of events, processes them and takes action on relevant events like INTENTION_RESPONSE_RECEIVED and INTENTION_CHANGED. Unknown or uninteresting events can be ignored.

Relevant event types are described here: Events for banks.

More information about how to listen to events can be found here: Monitoring settlements

Generating pantedokument (digital registration process)

Generating a pantedokument to a broker is pretty similar to generating one that should be sent straight to the Registration authority (Statens kartverk) for registration (tinglysing). The most important difference is that the element <dokumentflyt> should be changed to <dokumentflyt>DOKUMENT_TIL_OPPGJOER</dokumentflyt>. Se more details at:

Generating a forutsetningsbrev

If the bank would generate a forutsetningsbrev outlining the requirements to the broker, the new webservice generateForutsetningsbrev must be used as the old one generatePrerequisite is deprecated. Se more: Generate forutsetningsbrev

Sending the pantedokument to the broker

After the signed pantedokument is set in, the pantedokument (and forutsetningsbrev if any) can be sent to the broker using the webservice in Etinglysing sendToRealEstateBroker. This webservice method is described in more detail here: Send to real estate broker

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