To get prices, you need to use the access_token
that you previously obtained.
Take a look at our Swagger documentation for the API here.
Send a POST
request to[cadastre|share|map]
Example request
curl -s \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer ej577asf-a5k6-42yq-a3a2-fh03hb8cb58c" \ -d " { \"orderData\": { \"address\": \"Infoveien 1, 9999 Infoland\", \"cadastre\": \"9999-1-1-0-0\" }, \"products\": [ { \"code\": \"WI99990033\" } ] }"
JSON body structure
Property | Description |
| Order data required to calculate the price of products with variable price depending on input order data which will differ based on the type of product being ordered between cadastre, share, map products, see section below |
| Array of objects, see section below |
Property | Description |
For getting prices on cadastre products, see example below |
| Important to use this format |
| Cadastre should always include all required parts |
For getting prices on share products, see example below |
| Organization number |
| The id of the owner's right of occupation in the cooperative |
For getting prices on map products, see example below |
| A closed GeoJSON polygon specified in ETRS89 / UTM zone 33N or ETRS89 / UTM zone 32N |
| Spatial reference the |
Example cadastre products orderData
"orderData": { "address": "Infoveien 1, 9999 Infoland", "cadastre": "9999-1-1-0-0" }
Example share products orderData
"orderData": { "organizationNumber": 988424587, "shareNumber": 136 }
Example map products orderData
"orderData": { "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[ [679906.435383017,7741056.419552005], [679906.4572162632,7742527.458934937], [681832.6049002217,7742527.507026337], [681832.6139410603,7741056.365899973], [679906.435383017,7741056.419552005] ]] }, "spatialReference": "25833" }
array of objects
Property | Description |
| Use products API to find correct product codes in given municipality |
| Additional data required to get the variable price for a specific product that varies based on a product, see example below |
indicates optional fields
Example map products array with additional data
"products": [ { "code": "WI54016101", "data": { "format": "UTM" } } ]
Example response
{ "productCode": "WI99990033", "price": 1200 }