You want to override the previously generated one.
You want to send a custom prerequisite letter.
If the document status is “SAMHANDLING_FEILET”, the document can be resent
See here for more info about document flow and statuses
The pantedokument will get the status SAMHANDLING“SAMHANDLING_FEILET FEILET” if:
Cant find any matching settlement for the given property
There is a buyers mismatch to the settlement for given property
The pantedokument is rejected by the broker
To find out why the pantedokument has the status SAMHANDLING“SAMHANDLING_FEILET FEILET” you can get an explanation by:
Get the status for the document. How to get status.
Then in documentMessages the errorCode will be 9999 “9999” and in detail you will find the reason for failure.
Example of a get status response xml where the pantedokument has mismatch in buyer:Code Block <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <soap:Body> <ns2:getStatusResponse xmlns:ns2="http://dokument.ws7.etinglysing.no/"> <return> <status> <created>2020-12-17T15:00:00.306+01:00</created> <documentStatusTinglysing/> <id>15759414</id> <statusCode>SAMHANDLING_FEILET</statusCode> <description>Pant - 4601/121/45// [G]</description> <reference>Mona 167</reference> </status> <type>PANTEDOKUMENT</type> <documentVersion>KARTVERKET</documentVersion> <documentMessages> <documentMessage> <detail>Kjøper mangler: Fant ikke oppgjør for angitt kjøper</detail> <errorGroup>EKSTERNFEIL</errorGroup> <message>Samhandling feilet</message> <errorCode>9999</errorCode> </documentMessage> </documentMessages> </return> </ns2:getStatusResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
or if you are monitoring events. How to monitor events.
Read the events of type STATUSOVERGANG “STATUSOVERGANG” for the document where ny_status is SAMHANDLING“SAMHANDLING_FEILET FEILET” and you will find out the reason for failure in beskrivelse.
Example of listHendelser response xml for event type STATUSOVERGANG“STATUSOVERGANG”. This is an event for dokument with id 15759414 where ny_status is SAMHANDLING“SAMHANDLING_FEILETFEILET”:Code Block <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <soap:Body> <ns2:listHendelserResponse xmlns:ns2="https://ws.etinglysing.no/hendelse/v6"> <return> <id>805097</id> <type>STATUSOVERGANG</type> <dokumentId>15759414</dokumentId> <eksternEierId/> <nyStatus>SAMHANDLING_FEILET</nyStatus> <gammelStatus>SENDT_TIL_MEGLER</gammelStatus> <beskrivelse>Fant ikke oppgjør for angitt kjøper</beskrivelse> <opprettet>2020-12-17T15:37:35.705+01:00</opprettet> <eksterntOpprettetDokument>true</eksterntOpprettetDokument> <dokumentRef>Mona 167</dokumentRef> <dokumentType>PANTEDOKUMENT</dokumentType> </return> </ns2:listHendelserResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>