Generate nedkvittering

Generate nedkvittering


Generate Nedkvittering was released in Etinglysing 51.42. It is available in version 7 of the dokument webservice.


Nedkvittering is used to reduce the morgage amount to a lower value than registered in Grunnboken. This can happen when parts of the loan is downpayed and there is a need to register another mortgage.

Nedkvittering changes one or more existing rights in Grunnboken.


There are two ways of specifying the right(s) you want to change (reduce the amount). Either by specifying a document or by specifying the specific rights you want to change.

Specifying a document

In the below example request a document is specified by its office (embetenummer), document year (dokumentår) and document number (dokumentnummer). When generating a Nedkvittering this way, Ambita will lookup any rights in that document that can be changed by a Nedkvittering and expand it into a list of rights (similar to next example). Note that in some rare, old cases, there may be more than one right that can be changed by a Nedkvittering, and in that case, all suitable rights will be changed by the Nedkvittering.

Example with a reference to document:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:dok="http://dokument.ws7.etinglysing.no/"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <dok:generateNedkvittering> <nedkvittering referanse="BANK_REFERENCE"> <paategner> <dokument embetenummer="200" dokumentaar="2021" dokumentnummer="305"/> </paategner> <beloepNedkvittertTil valuta="NOK" verdi="5000000"/> </nedkvittering> </dok:generateNedkvittering> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>


Specifying rights

A right is denoted by the three attributes that references the document (embete, dokumentaar and documentnumber) in addition to the right number (rettsstiftelsesnummer) and the document type code (rettsstiftelsestype). Note that only one document can be referenced, so office, document year and document number must be the same for all specified rights.

Example with a list of rights:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:dok="http://dokument.ws7.etinglysing.no/"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <dok:generateNedkvittering> <nedkvittering referanse="BANK_REFERENCE"> <paategner> <rettsstiftelser> <rettsstiftelsesreferanse embetenummer="200" dokumentaar="2019" dokumentnummer="123456" rettsstiftelsesnummer="1" rettsstiftelsestype="TV_UTL"/> <rettsstiftelsesreferanse embetenummer="200" dokumentaar="2019" dokumentnummer="123456" rettsstiftelsesnummer="2" rettsstiftelsestype="TV_UTL"/> </rettsstiftelser> </paategner> <beloepNedkvittertTil valuta="NOK" verdi="5000000"/> </nedkvittering> </dok:generateNedkvittering> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>


Other elements

The request and response objects are specified in the WSDL file for beta and production.


This element specifies to which amount (verdi) and currency (valuta) the mortgage amount should be reduced to. It must be less than the original value.

RekvirentId (optional)

RekvirentId is an organization number (9 digits) that can be used. The organization number must be a branch (underenhet), with it's own organization number, that will then receive the invoice from Statens Kartverk upon registration of Nedkvittering in Grunnboken.

Signatarroller (do not use)

The element signatory roles (signatarroler) is available for all rights but must not be used for Nedkvittering.

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