Our javascript components is written in Vue.js , and is available through CDN.
See Usage for more information.
Feature request
If you have any feature requests, please contact us on AmbitaTeamInfoland@ambita.com
available truth following components
Table of contents:
Table of Contents | ||
Page setup
Add the script tag to head and use the library after the dom is ready
Code Block | ||
| ||
<html> <head> <script src="https://dev-meglerpakke.ambita.com/package/mflex.umd.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </head> <body> <h1> Welcome to Ambita Infoland components! </h1> <div id="search" style="height: 75px"></div> <div id="product-list"></div> <button id="confirm">Confirm order</button> <script> document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { window.Ambita.mFlex.init({ environment: 'beta', token: { access_token: '74246ace-f71f-423f-951a-8a9816a3319a', token_type: 'Bearer', expires_in: 3600, refresh_token: '80194947-73f6-47f6-92ca-66803abb7686', scope:['infoland.flex'], expires_at: '2022-09-27T07:47:49.774Z' }, reference: 'test' }); window.Ambita.mFlex.search.onSearchResult = (result) => { console.log(result); }; window.Ambita.mFlex.search.load('#search'); window.Ambita.mFlex.productList.load('#product-list', { share:{}, cadastre:{ knr: '0301', gnr: '224', bnr: '64', snr: '18' } }); const confirmButton = document.getElementById('confirm'); confirmButton.addEventListener('click', async () => { const orderNumber = await window.Ambita.mFlex.productList.confirmOrder(); console.log(orderNumber); }); }); </script> </body> </html> |
Component set up
This function will load the receipt component. Which shows current status about the products, the propertydata the documents were ordered on. As well as the possibility to download the files on the product.
You get the order number from this function: Ambita.mFlex.productList.confirmOrder
Code Block |
window.Ambita.mFlex.receipt.load('query-selector', <order number>); |
Additional component setup
This is used for configuration and injection of the components
Code Block | ||
| ||
environment: 'beta',
token: tokenObject,
reference: '123456789',
technicalReference: '123456789',
externalDepartmentId: 1234,
}); |
Name | Required | Type | Options | Description |
| True | string |
| The environment you want connect to |
| True | object / string | This is where you pass in the token object for the logged in user, returned from the authentication service, see Authentication for more information. | |
| True | string | The reference property is added to the order when placed. This must be something that connects the order to the entity in your application that the user can relate to and have an understanding of. Could be an ID or key unique to an assignment or a project. The reference will show up on the invoices from Ambita | |
| False | string | The technical reference is added to the order and can be used by your application, in case you want to track the orders. We recommend using this when handling file deliveries, see File deliveries . | |
| False | number | Used in spesial cases only |
This function will load product list and takes in a json object as a search query.
Code Block | ||
| ||
window.Ambita.mFlex.productList.load('query-selector', {
cadastre: {
knr: '0301',
gnr: '1',
bnr: '1',
fnr: '0',
snr: '0'
share: {
organizationNumber: '123456789',
shareNumber: '123'
address: {
key: '123-123456-12-A'
}); |
Name | Description |
| Municipality number (Kommunenummer) |
| Cadastre Unit number (Gårdsnummer) |
| Unit number (Bruksnummer) |
| Leasehold Unit number (Festenummer) |
| Section number (Seksjonsnummer) |
Name | Description |
| Organization number of the cooperative |
| The number of the “right of occupation” (andelsnummer) |
Name | Description |
| If you have used the search to find the property, the object from the result will contain a address key, add it here, some properties has multiple addresses. |
Anchor | ||||
This function will confirm the order with selected products
Code Block |
(async () => {
try {
const orderNumber = await window.Ambita.mFlex.productList.confirmOrder();
// do something with orderNumber
} catch(error) {
})(); |
This function will load the search inside a element
Code Block |
window.Ambita.mFlex.search.load('query-selector'); |
Set this property to a function, this will be triggered whenever the user finish the search
Code Block |
window.Ambita.mFlex.search.onSearchResult = (result) => {
}; |
Code Block |
"itemKeys": {
"cadastre": "123-1-1-0-0",
"address": "123-12345-12-A"
"productsQuery": "cadastre=123-1-1-0-0&address=123-12345-12-A",
"cadastre": {
"title": "0123/1/1/0/0",
"id": "123-1-1-0-0",
"ident": {
"municipalityNumber": 123,
"cadastralUnitNumber": 1,
"unitNumber": 1,
"leaseholdUnitNumber": 0,
"sectionNumber": 0,
"leasehold": false,
"section": true
"cadastre": {
"knr": 123,
"gnr": 1,
"bnr": 1,
"fnr": 0,
"snr": 0
"subtitle": "Gateadresse 1A",
"geojson": {
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"id": "123-1-1-0-0",
"title": "123/1/1/0/0",
"icon": "cube",
"type": "group"
"crs": {
"type": "name",
"properties": {
"name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::25833"
"addressesLink": "https://beta-api.ambita.com/realty/v1/cadastres/123-1-1-0-0/addresses/",
"ownersLink": "https://beta-api.ambita.com/realty/v1/cadastres/123-1-1-0-0/owners/",
"links": {
"self": {
"rel": "Cadastre",
"href": "https://beta-api.ambita.com/realty/v1/cadastres/123-1-1-0-0"
"cadastre": {
"rel": "Cadastre",
"href": "https://beta-api.ambita.com/realty/v1/cadastres/123-1-1-0-0"
"owners": {
"rel": "Person",
"href": "https://beta-api.ambita.com/realty/v1/cadastres/123-1-1-0-0/owners/"
"addresses": {
"rel": "Address",
"href": "https://beta-api.ambita.com/realty/v1/cadastres/123-1-1-0-0/addresses/"
"isRegisteredLand": true,
"isHistoricalRegisteredLand": false,
"isTechnicalRegisteredLand": true,
"isHistoricalTechnicalRegisteredLand": false
} |
Next step: Infoland Flex - User synchronization
Feature request
If you have any feature requests, please contact us on support@ambita.com