To create an order, you need to use the access_token
that you previously obtained.
Take a look at our Swagger documentation for the API here: Swagger.
Send a POST
request to[cadastre|share|map]
Example request
Code Block | ||
| ||
curl -s \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ej577asf-a5k6-42yq-a3a2-fh03hb8cb58c" \ -d "
\"deliveryInformation\": {
// delivery information object
\"orderData\": {
\"address\": \"Infoveien 1, 9999 Infoland\",
\"cadastre\": \"9999-1-1-0-0\"
\"products\": [
\"code\": \"WI99990033\"
\"reference\": \"some-reference\",
\"technicalReference\": \"some-technical-reference\"
JSON body structure
Property | Description |
| Object that includes information related to delivery of the products, see section below |
| Order data required to order the products specified which will differ based on the type of product being ordered between cadastre, share, map products, see section below |
| This reference is used to connect multiple orders to one reference, usually an assignment key and commonly used for billing reference |
| This reference is used to reference an order in our system, to a unique id in your system, good for debugging and lookups |
| Array of objects, see section below |
Property | Description |
| Address line |
| Address line 2 |
| Address line 3 |
| Alias |
| Company name |
| |
| Name |
| Phone |
| Postal code |
indicates optional fields
Property | Description |
For ordering cadastre products, see example below |
| Important to use this format |
| Cadastre should always include all required parts |
For ordering share products, see example below |
| Organization number |
| The id of the owner's right of occupation in the cooperative |
For ordering map productproducts, see example below |
| A closed GeoJSON polygon specified in ETRS89 / UTM zone 33N or ETRS89 / UTM zone 32N |
| Spatial reference the |
Example cadastre products orderData
Code Block | ||
| ||
"orderData": { "address": "Infoveien 1, 9999 Infoland", "cadastre": "9999-1-1-0-0" } |
Example share products orderData
Code Block | ||
| ||
"orderData": { "organizationNumber": 988424587, "shareNumber": 136 } |
Example map products orderData
Code Block | ||
| ||
"orderData": { "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[ [679906.435383017,7741056.419552005], [679906.4572162632,7742527.458934937], [681832.6049002217,7742527.507026337], [681832.6139410603,7741056.365899973], [679906.435383017,7741056.419552005] ]] }, "spatialReference": "25833" } |
array of objects
Property | Description |
| Use product products API to find correct product codes in given municipality |
| Additional data required to order a specific products product that varies based on a product, see example below |
Example map products array with additional data
Code Block | ||
| ||
"products": [ { "code": "WI54016101", "data": { "formatsystem": "UTM" } } ] |
Example response
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "id": 1234567, "status": "NEW", "priceNet": 1650.4, "priceVat": 2063, "dateOrdered": "2020-03-11T10:01:15+010021.02.2021 13:26:52", "dateStatus": "2020-03-11T10:01:15+010021.02.2021 13:27:54", "orders": [ { "id": 1234567, "supplierName": "Infoland Kommune - demo", "user": "(BETA) Ola Nordmann", "technicalReference": "some-technical-reference", "orderLines": [ { "id": 12345672, "status": {"NEW", "codeproduct": "NEWWI99990033", "nameproductName": "Meglerpakke"New, order. Has not been processed yet." }"productType": "PACKAGE", "productmediaType": "WI99990033Ukjent", "productNamedelivery": "MeglerpakkeElektronisk", "productTypepriceNet": {1650.4, "codepriceVat": "1"2063, "namedateStatus": "PACKAGE21.02.2021", }"packageLineId": null, "mediaTypeassets": "Ukjent", [] }, "delivery": "Elektronisk", { "priceNetid": 1650.412345673, "priceVatstatus": 2063"NEW", }, {"product": "WI99990900", "idproductName": 12345673"Godkjente bygningstegninger", "statusproductType": { "NORMAL", "codemediaType": "NEWDatafil", "namedelivery": "New order. Has not been processed yet."Elektronisk", }"priceNet": 0, "productpriceVat": "WI99990900"0, "productNamedateStatus": "Godkjente bygningstegninger21.02.2021", "productTypepackageLineId": { "code": "0"11604271, "nameassets": "NORMAL" [] }, ... "mediaType": "Datafil", ] } "delivery": "Elektronisk", "priceNet": 0, "priceVat": 0 }, { "id": 12345674, "status": { "code": "NEW", "name": "New order. Has not been processed yet." }, "product": "WI99991001", "productName": "Tilknytning til offentlig vann og kloakk - skjemaløsning", "productType": { "code": "0", "name": "NORMAL" }, "mediaType": "Ukjent", "delivery": "Elektronisk", "priceNet": 0, "priceVat": 0 }, { "id": 12345675, "status": { "code": "NEW", "name": "New order. Has not been processed yet." }, "product": "WI99990400", "productName": "Grunnkart", "productType": { "code": "0", "name": "NORMAL" }, "mediaType": "Tekstfil", "delivery": "Elektronisk", "priceNet": 0, "priceVat": 0 }, { "id": 12345676, "status": { "code": "NEW", "name": "New order. Has not been processed yet." }, "product": "WI99992350", "productName": "Planutsnitt med bestemmelser", "productType": { "code": "0", "name": "NORMAL" }, "mediaType": "PDF-dok", "delivery": "Elektronisk", "priceNet": 0, "priceVat": 0 }, { "id": 12345677, "status": { "code": "NEW", "name": "New order. Has not been processed yet." }, "product": "WI99991600", "productName": "Kommunale avgifter og eiendomsskatt", "productType": { "code": "0", "name": "NORMAL" }, "mediaType": "PDF-dok", "delivery": "Elektronisk", "priceNet": 0, "priceVat": 0 }, { "id": 12345678, "status": { "code": "NEW", "name": "New order. Has not been processed yet." }, "product": "WI99990901", "productName": "Midlertidig brukstillatelse og ferdigattest", "productType": { "code": "0", "name": "NORMAL" }, "mediaType": "PDF-dok", "delivery": "Elektronisk", "priceNet": 0, "priceVat": 0 } ] } ] } |
Get order
To get an order, you need to use the access_token
that you previously obtained.
Send a GET request to
Take a look at our Swagger documentation for the API here: Swagger
Example request
Code Block |
curl -s \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ej577asf-a5k6-42yq-a3a2-fh03hb8cb58c" \ |
Example response
Code Block |
{ "id": 1234567, "status": "NEW", "priceNet": 1650.4, "priceVat": 2063, "dateOrdered": "2020-03-11T10:01:15+0100", "dateStatus": "2020-03-11T10:01:15+0100", "orders": [ { "id": 1234567, "supplierName": "Infoland Kommune - demo", "user": "(BETA) Ola Nordmann", "technicalReference": "some-technical-reference", "orderLines": [ { "id": 12345672, "status": { "code": "NEW", "name": "New order. Has not been processed yet." }, "product": "WI99990033", "productName": "Meglerpakke", "productType": { "code": "1", "name": "PACKAGE" }, "mediaType": "Ukjent", "delivery": "Elektronisk", "priceNet": 1650.4, "priceVat": 2063 }, { "id": 12345673, "status": { "code": "NEW", "name": "New order. Has not been processed yet." }, "product": "WI99990900", "productName": "Godkjente bygningstegninger", "productType": { "code": "0", "name": "NORMAL" }, "mediaType": "Datafil", "delivery": "Elektronisk", "priceNet": 0, "priceVat": 0 }, { "id": 12345674, "status": { "code": "NEW", "name": "New order. Has not been processed yet." }, "product": "WI99991001", "productName": "Tilknytning til offentlig vann og kloakk - skjemaløsning", "productType": { "code": "0", "name": "NORMAL" }, "mediaType": "Ukjent", "delivery": "Elektronisk", "priceNet": 0, "priceVat": 0 }, { "id": 12345675, "status": { "code": "NEW", "name": "New order. Has not been processed yet." }, "product": "WI99990400", "productName": "Grunnkart", "productType": { "code": "0", "name": "NORMAL" }, "mediaType": "Tekstfil", "delivery": "Elektronisk", "priceNet": 0, "priceVat": 0 }, { "id": 12345676, "status": { "code": "NEW", "name": "New order. Has not been processed yet." }, "product": "WI99992350", "productName": "Planutsnitt med bestemmelser", "productType": { "code": "0", "name": "NORMAL" }, "mediaType": "PDF-dok", "delivery": "Elektronisk", "priceNet": 0, "priceVat": 0 }, { "id": 12345677, "status": { "code": "NEW", "name": "New order. Has not been processed yet." }, ] } |
Get order
To get an order, you need to use the access_token
that you previously obtained.
Take a look at our Swagger documentation for the API here.
Send a GET
request to
Example request
Code Block | ||
| ||
curl -s \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ej577asf-a5k6-42yq-a3a2-fh03hb8cb58c" \ |
Example response
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "id": 1234567, "status": "PROCESSING", "priceNet": 1650.4, "priceVat": 2063, "dateOrdered": "21.02.2021 13:26:52", "dateStatus": "21.02.2021 13:28:58", "orders": [ { "id": 1234567, "supplierName": "Infoland Kommune - demo", "user": "(BETA) Ola Nordmann", "technicalReference": "some-technical-reference", "orderLines": [ { "productid": "WI99991600"12345672, "productNamestatus": "Kommunale avgifter og eiendomsskattPROCESSING", "productTypeproduct": { "WI99990033", "codeproductName": "0Meglerpakke", "nameproductType": "NORMAL" }PACKAGE", "mediaType": "PDF-dokUkjent", "delivery": "Elektronisk", "priceNet": 01650.4, "priceVat": 02063, }, "dateStatus": "21.02.2021", { "idpackageLineId": 12345678null, "statusassets": {[] }, "code": "NEW", { "nameid": "New12345673, order. Has not been processed yet." }"status": "PROCESSING", "product": "WI99990901WI99990900", "productName": "Midlertidig brukstillatelse og ferdigattest "Godkjente bygningstegninger", "productType": { "NORMAL", "codemediaType": "0Datafil", "namedelivery": "NORMALElektronisk", }"priceNet": 0, "mediaTypepriceVat": "PDF-dok"0, "deliverydateStatus": "Elektronisk21.02.2021", "priceNetpackageLineId": 011604271, "priceVatassets": 0[] }, ... ] } ] } |