We have 6 public IPs. 2 public IP's in test, 2 in admin and 2 in main.
test is at ambitatest
, admin and main are at ambitamain
These are the IPs we that restrictive remote services need to open for, so that we can communicate with them from AWS.
aws cli
Code Block | ||
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# for test
aws --profile ambitatest --output table ec2 describe-nat-gateways
# for admin and main
aws --profile ambitamain --output table ec2 describe-nat-gateways |
AWS web management console
Table of Contents | ||||
Static IP pools
For reliability Ambita services are available through pools of IP addresses that are likely to change over time.
This page lists the active IP pools for each service. Customers who need early warning for changes to these IP pools must arrange for this with their account manager, or subscribe to maintenance notifications on https://status.ambita.com
Static IP pool for traffic to Ambita production services
System | Production URL | IP Pool |
API (Rest API) | | |
eTinglysing | https://www.etinglysing.no | |
EDROnline | | |
SFTP | |
Static IP pool for traffic to Ambita test and beta services
System | Beta URL | IP Pool |
API (Rest API) | | |
eTinglysing | https://beta.etinglysing.no | |
EDROnline | | |
SFTP | |
Static IP pool for traffic from Ambita integration services
Traffic from most Ambita integrations will come from a set of NAT gateways at these addresses.
Systems | IP Pool |
Production systems | |
Test and beta systems | |
Administrative services | |
TLS protocols and ciphers
Ambita APIs are available only over secure https, with an uptodate set of accepted TLS protocols and ciphers. Per 2022 we support only TLSv1.2 with ciphers as defined by AWS ELBSecurityPolicy-FS-1-2-2019-08
at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticloadbalancing/latest/application/create-https-listener.html#describe-ssl-policies
TLS certificates
All Ambita APIs and web pages use certificates managed by AWS Certificate Manager, and certificates are frequently and automatically renewed. Ambita does not provide any notice in advance of certificate updates.
Customers who require certificate pinning, please refer to https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/pin-application-acm-certificate/
For root authority details, see https://www.amazontrust.com/repository/