Property | Description |
| Object that includes information related to delivery of the products, see section below |
| Order data required to order the products specified which will differ based on the type of product being ordered between cadastre, share, map products, see section below |
| This reference is used to connect multiple orders to one reference, usually an assignment key and commonly used for billing reference |
| This reference is used to reference an order in our system, to a unique id in your system, good for debugging and lookups |
| Array of objects, see section below |
indicates optional fields
Property | Description |
For ordering cadastre products, see example below | |
| Important to use this format |
| Cadastre should always include all required parts |
For ordering share products, see example below | |
| Organization number |
| Share number |
For ordering map product, see example below | |
| A closed GeoJSON polygon specified in ETRS89 / UTM zone 33N or ETRS89 / UTM zone 32N |
| Spatial reference the |
Property | Description |
| Use product API to find correct product codes in given municipality |
| Additional data required to order specific products that varies based on a product, see example below |
indicates optional fields